Małgorzata Cabaj

tel: 22 55 26 769
e-mail: mcabaj/at/
address: ul. Żwirki i Wigury 101
room: 209
Google Scholar


Cabaj MK, Dominiak PM
Phase transition of hypoxanthinium nitrate monohydrate
Crystal Growth and Design 21, 424-435, Published: 2021
[DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c01252]

Cabaj MK, Dominiak PM
Frequency and hydrogen bonding of nucleobase homopairs in small molecule crystals
Nucleic Acids Research 48, 8302-8319, Published: 2020
[DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa629]
Kumar P, Cabaj MK, Dominiak PM
Intermolecular Interactions in Ionic Crystals of Nucleobase Chlorides—Combining Topological Analysis of Electron Densities with Energies of Electrostatic Interactions
Crystals 9, 688-705, Published: 2019
[DOI: 10.3390/cryst9120668 ]
Cabaj MK, Gajda R, Hoser A, Makal A, Dominiak PM
Differences and similarities among hypoxanthinium nitrate hydrate structures
Acta Crystallographica Section C 75, 1036-1044, Published: 2019
[DOI: 10.1107/S2053229619008702]
Kumar P, Cabaj MK, Pazio A, Dominiak PM
Protonated nucleobases are not fully ionized in their chloride salt crystals and form metastable base pairs further stabilized by the surrounding anions
IUCrJ 5, 449-469; Published: 2018
[DOI: 10.1107/S2052252518006346]
Adamczyk-Wozniak A, Cabaj MK, Dominiak PM, Gajowiec P, Gierczyk B, Lipok J, Popenda L, Schroeder G, Tomecka E, Urbanski P, Wieczorek D, Sporzynski A
The influence of fluorine position on the properties of fluorobenzoxaboroles
Bioorganic Chemistry 60, 130-135, Published: 2015
[DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2015.05.004]


  1. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Hypoxanthine nitrate hydrate – an interplay between energy, geometry and temperature”, Quantum Crystallography Online Meeting 2020, (Paris, France), 26 – 29.08.2020, online conference
  2. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Hypoxanthine nitrate hydrate – an electrostatic energy study”, Wirtualna Konferencja Naukowa Kampusu Ochota, (Warsaw, Poland), 30.06 – 1.07.2020, online conference
  3. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Intermolecular interactions of protonated nucleobases in the crystalline phase – a statistical study”, Wirtualna Konferencja Naukowa Kampusu Ochota, (Warsaw, Poland), 30.06 – 1.07.2020, online conference
  4. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Interplay between occurrence frequencies of charged and neutral base pairs in small molecule crystals”, 32nd European Crystallographic Meeting, (Vienna, Austria), 18 – 23.08.2019
  5. M. K. Cabaj, Passive attendance, European Crystallographic Computing Forum, (Melk, Austria), 14 – 17.08.2019
  6. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Frequency and hydrogen bonding geometry of nucleobase homodimers in small molecule crystals”, 31st European Crystallographic Meeting, (Oviedo, Spain), 22 – 27.09.2018
  7. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Interaction energy calculations for hypoxanthinium nitrate monohydrate structures”, International School of Crystllography, (Erice, Italy), 1 – 10.06.2018
  8. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Frequency and hydrogen bonding geometry of nucleobase homodimers in small molecule crystals”, Symbioza VII, (Warsaw, Poland), 11 – 13.05.2018, I prize for the best poster
  9. M. K. Cabaj, R. Gajda, D. Trzybiński, A. Makal, and P. M. Dominiak, “Phase transition of hypoxanthinium nitrate monohydrate structure”, COST Action Meeting, (Prague, Czech Republic), 6 – 8.02.2018, oral presentation
  10. M. K. Cabaj, R. Gajda, A. Hoser, A. Makal, and P. M. Dominiak, “Reinvestigation of hypoxanthinium nitrate monohydrate structure”, 24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, (Hajdarabad, India), 21 – 28.09.2017
  11. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Investigation of geometric properties of nucleobases crystals in Cambridge Structural Database”, 7th European Charge Density Meeting, (Warsaw, Poland), 26.06 – 1.07.2016
  12. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, „Analiza statystyczna oddziaływań zasad azotowych nukleotydów w fazie krystalicznej”, ChemSession’16, (Warsaw, Poland), 10.06.2016
  13. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Investigation of geometric properties of nucleobases crystals in Cambridge Structural Database”, International School of Crystallization, (Granada, Spain), 29.05 – 3.06.2016
  14. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Survey and geometric classification of nucleobases dimers in crystalline state”, Symbioza V, (Warsaw, Poland), 22 – 24.04.2016
  15. M. K. Cabaj and P. M. Dominiak, “Survey and geometric classification of nucleobases dimers in crystalline state”, OpenReadings 2016, (Vilnus, Lituania), 14 – 20.03.2016
  16. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, “Studies of nucleobases interactions in crystalline state with experimental electron density analysis of cytosinium chloride”, Challenges In Molecular Biology, Biophysics, and Biomedicine, prof. David Shugar 100th anniversary conference, (Warsaw, Poland), 17 – 19.09.2015
  17. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, “Experimental electron density of cytosinium chloride in crystalline state”, 29th European Crystallographic Meeting, (Rovinj, Croatia), 23 – 28.08.2015
  18. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, „Analiza oddziaływań zasad azotowych nukleotydów w fazie krystalicznej”, NMD VI – “Nowoczesne metody doświadczalne w fizyce, chemii i inżynierii”, (Lublin, Poland), 27-29.11.2015
  19. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, „Analiza oddziaływań zasad azotowych nukleotydów w fazie krystalicznej na przykładzie chlorku cytozyny”, 57 Konwersatorium Krystalograficzne, (Wrocław, Poland), 25 – 26.06.2015
  20. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, „Charakteryzacja oddziaływań chlorku cytozyny w fazie krystalicznej”, Symbioza IV, (Warsaw, Poland), 29-31.05.2015
  21. M. K. Cabaj, A. Pazio, and P. M. Dominiak, „Studies of nucleobases interactions in crystalline state with experimental electron density analysis of cytosinium chloride”, MultiPole2, (Warsaw, Poland), 10-13.05.2015

Post-conference publications

  1. Cabaj MK, Dominiak PM, Experimental electron density of cytosinium chloride in crystalline state, Acta Cryst. A, 71(a1), s412-s413, 2017, abstract of poster presentation.
  2. Cabaj MK, Gajda R, Makal A, Dominiak PM, Reinvestigation of hypoxanthinium nitrate monohydrate structure, Acta Cryst. A, 73(a2), C765, 2017, abstract of poster presentation.
  3. Dominiak PM, Kumar P, Cabaj MK, Pazio A, Experimental charge densities of nucleobase chlorides from intermolecular interaction perspective, Acta Cryst. A, 73(a2), C1439, 2017, abstract of oral presentation.
  4. Kumar P, Cabaj MK, Pazio A, Dominiak PM, Protonated nucleobases are not fully ionized and may form stable base pairs in the crystalline state, IUCrJ, 5, 449-469, 2018.


  1. “Crystallization of tyroid hormones – thyroxine and triiodothyronine”, Principal investigator: Małgorzata K. Cabaj, 120000-501/86-DSM-110200, 19.06.2015 – 30.06.2016
  2. “Charakterystyka oddziaływań między zasadami azotowymi nukleotydów na podstawie eksperymentalnie wyznaczonych rozkładów gęstości elektronowych”, Principal investigator: Paulina M. Dominiak, N N204 129138, 13.04.2010 – 12.04.2014

Awards and scholarships

  1. First prize for poster “Frequency and hydrogen bonding geometry of nucleobase homodimers in small molecule crystals”, Małgorzata K. Cabaj, Paulina M. Dominiak, Symbioza VII, Warsaw, Poland, 2019
  2. Travel grant for International School of Crystallography, Quantum Chemistry, Erice, Italy, 2019
  3. Travel grant for ECM in Oviedo, Spain, 2018
  4. Travel grant for Crystallize COST Action Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, 2018
  5. Travel grant for 5th Granada International School of Crystallization in Granada, Spain, 2016
  6. Travel grant for Crystallize COST Action Meeting in Berlin, Germany, 2015
  7. PhD Student Scholarship, 2014-2018